Esta cuenta de Instagram invita a perderle el miedo a las canas

Cada vez son más las mujeres, famosas y anónimas, que se atreven a lucirlas

Ahora tiene solo 26 años, pero Martha Truslow Smith empezó a ver canas en su pelo siendo incluso más joven: a los 14. Como nos pasa a muchas, al principio eso le hizo sentir muy insegura y empezó a teñirse. Pero hace cosa de un par de años, cansada de sentirse esclava del tinte, decidió dejarlo y se convirtió en defensora del cabello natural.  En @grombre reivindica la belleza de las canas y anima a las mujeres a no taparlas.

Con más de 32.000 seguidores, esta cuenta de Instagram se presenta como “una celebración radical del fenómeno natural del pelo gris”. A través de ella mujeres de todo el mundo comparten sus historias y enseñan orgullosas sus melenas plateadas.

    Ver esta publicación en Instagram         “I found my first grey at 12. Middle school and puberty are hard enough without having anything weird to make you stand out. I was very self conscious and worked hard to keep it a secret. At 18 I started highlighting to camouflage and quickly required highs, lows and everything in between. I am blessed with quick hair growth, but this makes color maintenance a challenge. Needless to say, my grey story comes with lots of emotional baggage. At 34 I cut my hair short and quit color cold turkey. I told no one my plan because I didn't want their input. Too many people had already said "you're not really ready for that are you?" It was bold. A leap of faith. Even I couldn't wrap my mind around what I had done. But, as my grey grew out I was more curious and more empowered to see what lay beneath. I am blown away by the compliments I get on a very regular basis. Who knew? Should I have done it sooner? I don't think so. I wasn't ready then. I have no regrets. I'm not hiding anymore. I'm here as I am, take it or leave it, this is me. I dare you to let your biggest insecurity be your boldest statement.” @anniehautala #grombre #gogrombreUna publicación compartida de Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre) el

    Ver esta publicación en Instagram         "I am 34 and started noticing white hair about a decade ago, but there were only a few and all the same general area, so I wasn't concerned...until about eight years ago when they seemed to be multiplying overnight, which I now realize was during one of the most stressful periods of my life. Soon people were commenting on my hair (seemingly) constantly and it was starting to get in the way of my lifelong goal of being less visible, so I had to do something! I researched and found what seemed like a great diy dye-alternative, henna. At first it was great, though time consuming, because it gave me the red hair I'd always wanted and covered the gray, but eventually I grew tired of the process and the uncertainty of what color my hair would be, because the sometimes resulting orangey color didn't do it for me. Around the same time, I'd moved to New York on a whim and had no access to my hair inventory, so I stopped with the henna. I didn't hate the white hair at first, but as time went on and it became clear that I had a lot more than I'd thought, I started itching to cover it up again. Thus entering the world of at-home-box dyes. At first, it seemed harmless, but I now realize that's because of what we've been made to believe about dye and so much else that we put on and in our bodies and hair, but I degrees. About a year later, after coming to grips with the effects, I dyed my hair for the last time, reasoning that I'd rather have gray hair than thinner (than what genetics has already given me) hair. It has been a long and difficult journey of acceptance which I'm still on, but I've accepted my gradient and "ombre" hair as a part of who I am. And though it has effectively made me a walking invitation for commentary, including when a man once called me my 1.5 years younger sister's mother 🙄, most of what people have to say is complementary and affirming. I've since added going or "rocking" gray to my list of ways to challenge current standards of beauty, and to live authentically. It's a journey that I encourage the initiated to take. It's not easy but it's worth it. Peace on your journey!" @loevnotes #grombre #gogrombreUna publicación compartida de Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre) el

Tendemos a pensar que las canas aparecen en la vejez. Y efectivamente puede ser una señal de envejecimiento, pero lo cierto es que en la mayoría de las europeas las primeras aparecen en torno a la veintena.

Son también otro buen ejemplo de doble rasero: mientras en los hombres han estado tradicionalmente bien vistas (quedan hasta distinguidas), entre las mujeres son consideradas signo de dejadez. Aunque gracias a iniciativas como esta o a celebrities como Rashida Jones o Carolina Labouchere, que las lucen orgullosas, el movimiento procana coge fuerza.

    Ver esta publicación en Instagram         Omg my first grey hair I'm so distinguishedUna publicación compartida de Rashida Jones (@rashidajones) el

    Ver esta publicación en Instagram         Question: Do you tie your hair up at night or leave it loose?The loose option is not working for me. #empoweredbygrey #grey #silverhair #greymodel #greymodelagency #maturemodel #fit_over_50 #poweredbyloveandherbs #greyisthenewblack #greyhairdontcare #rosemaryhasasecret #mydubai #motorcitydubai #blowdry #nomakeup #nanolash @latelierhairandbeautysalon #mashuphaircareUna publicación compartida de Caroline Labouchere (@carolinelabouchere) el


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